Setting Personal Goals You Can Achieve

Last Updated on March 11, 2019 by lydiaf1963

There’s no reason to wait for the New Year to set personal or professional goals. In fact, I’ve always found the beginning of the school year to be the perfect time for a little contemplation and re-orientation, whether there’s a student in the family or not! Likewise, for me, the period of Lent in Spring is another time I like to devote some thought to setting personal goals. The point is, there’s no wrong or right time to set goals. So, if you’re feeling the need to do so, here are a few hints to help you not only get started, but establish a plan to help you actually achieve them!

Setting Personal Goals You Can Achieve ~ Life Beyond the Kitchen

Short vs Long Term Goals

In general, long term goals may take a year or more to complete. Short term goals can last any amount of time that’s less than a year. However, in practical terms, if you find it will take more than six months to complete a short term goal, it might be better to break it into smaller, manageable chunks.

Short term goals can also flow into the long term goals although they don’t have to.

I like a seasonal approach to goal setting because the time period is reasonable, 4 months or less. For me, it’s also less stressful.

Your Goals (and the Process of Achieving Them) Are Unique to YOU

Let’s use the scenario of running a marathon (unlikely in my case, but let’s go with it…)
Someone who has been relatively sedentary would need to build up to a marathon by setting several short term goals that lead to the final outcome. First walking for distance, then alternating walking and jogging, etc until at some point, probably many months later, they’ve built the strength and stamina to run for 26.2 miles. A person who has already run several half marathons would be starting farther along the process.

Maybe your goals aren’t as physical. Perhaps it’s a desire to do something creative, like cake decorating. How would you go about it? I’m a more deliberate person, so I would start with the internet, watching videos and reading recommended books. Then I’d buy the equipment I need and sign up for an online or in person class. Another person might jump right in, making use of whatever materials she has available and creating beautiful cakes in her own unique style.

Whichever approach you choose, there’s a common process

1) State the goal;
2) Break it into steps if necessary;
3) Gather resources;
4) Set aside time;
5) Put your plan into motion.

While planning and dreaming can be enjoyable, it’s easy to fall in love with the planning part and forget to begin the execution part.

If, after putting your plan in motion, you find yourself overwhelmed don’t get down on yourself but rather:

6) Be willing to revise your plan if necessary to fit your current situation and;
7) Be confident that you will eventually meet your goal in its own time.

Setting personal goals will help you turn your dreams into reality.

Setting Personal Goals You Can Achieve

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